Wednesday, June 18, 2008

OK, on Sunday, the gang took off for the Southern loop road inside Yellowstone. Along the way there are lots of natural features to see like water cascades, grand panoramic views, and steamy things. Here's one of the Water cascades...

Here is yet another herd of Buffalo. It's amazing how excited you are about seeing your first Bison. Lots of pictures are taken and you're holding up traffic like crazy, but by the third day of passing by them, you just want to get through the "Buffalo Jams" or "Elk Jams" and keep moving. But, they are still a wonderment to see.

We drove by Yellowstone River and then the HUGH Yellowstone Lake. You can see how beautiful it is. It seems we were driving by it for miles and miles. There are boats on it and there is a very nice marina on the lake. We didn't get out and touch the water, but unlike the many rivers and streams in Yellowstone that are being heated by the Yellowstone "Hot Spot", I think this lake is just a bunch of melted snow. Anyway, it was a great place to stop for a "photo op"...Here's touching some water...

The Lake...

Yet another picture of the buggies...

More Elk. Both Dennis and Tony were wishing they had brought their bows/rifles...

We made it to one of the three Continental Divide crossings inside the Park. Had to take a picture at 8300 feet...

Monday was a GREAT day, cause we got to see a Wolf, a Black Bear, and a Grizzly Bear out in their natural habitat. We got up in the morning and decided to take the Northern Loop road in Yellowstone. This is the most beautiful route cause one gets to see lots of things. More Elk were everywhere as where the Buffalo.

Lavern and Cathy are loking at something. Wonder what it is...

Dennis also is looking...

It might have been this bear if there was one there, but we actually saw this one further down the road. Not a very close-up view, but you can just bearly (I know) see it to the left of center in this picture...It was a Grizzly Bear looking for food (we think)

Yellowstone actually has a Petrified Tree.The only one we saw...

Here is the side of a hill that is covered with steam vents. There are a couple fo these features in the park. It's amazing to come around a corner and se the side of a hill covered with steam...

Some other hill side formations. More beautiful when you can see them in person...

Had a couple of brake drums go bad on the Turista. Luckily both Dennis and Tony had the tools needed to get me back on the road. Once we got back to the RV park, I swapped out the bad drum with one that Tony carries.

Yet another good day for all.

1 comment:

Dan & Teri Gregg said...

Gary, Blog looks good. Thanks for the link. Send me your email address.
Dan Gregg
gregg_dan at